The days pass quickly here.  I can’t believe I’ve only been in Africa since Monday.  It was a wonderful and quick few days with the Compassion Corps team in Uganda.  Jan and Beth have been an incredible inspiration and encouragement to me, and I was excited to see them on the ground in action.  They had a team of ten with them, and spent their two weeks doing medical clinics and encouraging the local church and their partners there.  They recounted so many stories of sick people and the desperate measures they take to be seen by the doctors they had with them.  I met them early Wednesday morning.  We purused the crafts made by local widows and crafters, did a few home visits to people our hosts have been working with in the community, spent a short time with children in a very poor area.  Even in these first few days my heart feels full and breaking all at once.  Thursday the CC team was leaving, so we played tourist at the source of the Nile River.  Quite a sight, we even watched a few groups and kayakers go down the grade five rapids.  Uganda is a lush land, Lake Victoria its crown.  It is beautiful.  Friday I flew to Kenya and even stepping off the plane, it feels like familiar ground.  Familiar people.  Familiar roads.  Ways.  The Cassell Family welcomed me well, and tonight we will fetch Ashley from the airport.  I am so excited to see her, and to get things going here.  Constantly I am thinking, what’s next, what’s next on the front for COME UNITY.  I am praying and looking.  So much poverty everywhere, its hard to know when to say yes and when to say no.  I am waiting for clarity, and enjoying the process in between.  Thanks to all who have prayed us safely here, and have given to this cause that I love so much.  More soon.

PS, I hope you made it to the Alternative Gift Market today.  So proud that Jess and Megan could pick up the reigns while I’m so far away and do a fantastic job representing us well.  If you missed it, you’ll have another shot 12/12 and 12/19.  Keep your eyes peeled on our site or Facebook for more.