Today we head to Africa!  This morning I woke up to the following email...

 Yes we have it now a borehole  it took the driller 120 mtrs deep to reach the waters   according to him its measures more than 8cb mtrs  which is about 8000 litres per hour which is alot of water for us to use.i could believe my eyes for i was tense due to our last experience but our God is so great...  now  we have a reason to celebrate  and dance for the Lord on sunday for this is a living testimony of the miracles of God.  you are all wellcome and we look forward to see all of you next week.  yours  pastor
Sol, Kristin, Melody, Beckham, Chris (from Pastor's church) and Pastor John Kiroka

In January, my fundraising partner, Sol, and I went to Ilbissil.  We fell in love with the community there and learned that Pastor Kiroka is one of the most honest men in Kenya--- a rare gem.  We decided to build our well there, and worked hard with the community to make it happen.  Lots of obstacles lined our way, and when it finally came time to dig our well they found no water at the bottom.  What a heartache!  We were so sad, but we committed to the people of Ilbissil that we would not leave them, that we were with them until this well was a reality.  We spent time renegotiating, waiting and forming new partnerships with Generosity Water and Drop in the Bucket.  It seemed like forever, and Sol and I have both shed sweat and tears over this borehole.  
    Today we board the plane with hearts full of joy!  We look forward to celebrating with the people next week when we arrive in Kenya.  Our first week will be spent in Uganda.  The folks at Watoto are our hosts,  We are so grateful for ALL of you who made these wells happen...  AND for the folks who have given me and Ashley the chance to go.  May you be blessed by your giving, and experience Africa through our stories.  We love you.  :)